Green Lean Vegetable Alkalising Smoothie
1 min read

Green Lean Vegetable Alkalising Smoothie

Dairy free Meal_breakfast Meal_smoothie Product_clean-lean-protein vegan

A simple quick & easy way for you to enjoy your greens along with adding that feeling of satiety by replenishing the body #postworkout. I have used Low/to No sugars within this blend! It's ideal to refuel the body with a natural healthy amount of quality protein (essential amino acids), Low sugar & healthier plant-based fats as a #postworkout snack. 

Option to use either Baby Spinach or Kale...I used Kinky kale from @susteinerorganic, by adding Alkalizing foods “greens”, we add more benefits to the meal as it has been shown to help prevent plaque formation in blood vessels, stop calcium from accumulating in urine, prevent kidney stones, build stronger bones, reduce muscle wasting or spasms, hence why the ideal #postworkout meal.  pH is short for the potential of hydrogen. It’s a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of our body’s fluids and tissues. It’s measured on a scale from 0 to 14.