Get Lean
3 min read

Get Lean, Add Protein

Protein is for everyone trying to get in better shape. Protein is not just for body builders.

After a workout, we need protein so that our muscles can repair themselves. Increasing muscle, means getting more toned.

In fact, women need not worry that protein will make them bulky. Protein supplements are an excellent way to become leaner. Taking protein won't give you the physique of a professional body builder. These guys and gals get super ripped through a lot of hard work, it just isn't going to happen without you actually aiming for that. Lean muscle (hello, protein) is the building block of just about every hot body out there. Not just that, even lifting weights won't make you bulky. However, protein and weights will give you a slinky, sexy bod.

How much muscle you build will depend on whether you are lifting weights. Any extra protein that isn't used through physical activity, will be stored as fat. This will depend on your total carb/fat consumption and how many calories you are burning. The muscle you add will largely depend on what type of training you're doing physical training and how much.

As a rule of thumb, you should consume one gram of protein per pound of body weight. So, if you want to be in the best, sexiest shape of your life, focus on the protein. Nuzest clean lean protein is a way to increase your protein intake without any nasty GMOs, gluten, sugar or dairy. It is a vegan supplement and it is made only from the finest pea protein. So, it helps those of us with a busy lifestyle ensure we are meeting our daily protein needs.

Protein also helps you feel full longer. Ever wonder why that side salad at lunch left your craving a slice of chocolate cake at 3 p.m.? It's hard to adhere to a healthy diet when you are hungry. Protein fills you up with less calories, so you will feel fuller longer and have less cravings.

Both men and women need protein, if you burn too many calories and don't have enough protein to replace it, then you will break down muscle. So, even if you are skinny, you won't be tone without muscle.

Protein won't make you fat. In fact, healthy proteins and fats have a positive impact on your hormone levels, brain, energy and mood. Protein provides essential amino acids and these serve as the building blocks for life. Without these amino acids our body resorts to breaking down its own muscle in order to meet this demand.

So, take your training up a notch by adding protein. You won't regret it.